If you are thinking about essential beauty routines that are ideal during summer, I’m quite sure you wouldn’t think about your nails.
For reasons unknown, it doesn’t appear as essential or important as shaving your legs or stocking up your cabinet with everything SPF, but taking adequate care of your nails when it gets to the summer months.
Therefore, here are five ways you can take care of your nails this winter and you can understand why it is essential to do so:
Did you realize that UV beams could remove moisture from your nails? An absence of the required moisture can cause your nails to flake all over and brittle. In addition to sunlight rays, taking a swim in a pool, the ocean and other places can also have a damaging effect.
It is likewise a smart thought to stay away from harsh nail polish removers such as acetone-based products that can dry out your nails. Alternatively, you should try out mild and nourishing removers such as LDS dip nail remover.
If you make out time to care for your face and prevent harmful rays from ruining your skin, why don’t you do the same for your nails? Not only do UV lights dry out your nails, excessive exposure can also cause serious health challenges.
Fortunately, a couple great topcoats can protect your nails with their UV protection feature. The beauty of this is that you get to wear them on their own or on the top of your painted nails. Topcoats with UV protection will prevent the sun from staining your polished nails. It is a win-win situation here.
With all that sun, sand and surf inflicting significant damage on your nails, the best way to fight them off is to ensure you give your nails some extra strength, You can use dipping powder as a protective coating. Besides, if you consider how summer foot sweat can add to feeble, fragile nails, you’ll need to stop it from the beginning.
Supplements are splendid for building up nail strength right from the scratch. Skin and BioSource Hair Skin and DND gel starter kit and Blackmores Nail Hair are both affordable supplements that can help increase your nail’s strength, thickness and lessen any flaking or chipping.
Hotter climate implies your nails will grow faster, so it is critical to focus on the length – particularly your toenails. If you let your toenails grow too long, they’ll become uncomfortable when you wear sandals and will also easily dig on the floor or surfaces while you walk barefooted. In addition, injuries resulting from long toenails can expose you to diseases and contamination. A combination of the warm weather, sweaty feet and public pools are the perfect atmosphere to breed bacteria and this never ends well for you.
Is it possible to have a bright summer without having lovely painted toenails and fingernails? We don’t think so. Ensure you go with a choice of fresh, vibrant and bright color and you cannot simply go wrong.